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Honor Cords with text %22Graduating with Honors
Digital Academy Advanced Placement Scholars (DAAPS) courses are designed to exceed the district and state curriculum requirements and challenge the advanced student. Students read, interpret, analyze and evaluate American literature and study advanced vocabulary.

In writing, students master the essay structure in narrative, expository, persuasive, research, and technical writing. Interdisciplinary courses are part of the curriculum and students focus on four areas: the critical evaluation of texts, English syntax and grammar, college level research, and interdisciplinary writing. Also included in the courses are required assignments in speaking/listening and viewing/presenting. 

Integrated with Literature, DAAPS college survey courses incorporate AP Humanities, American History, Advanced Euro and World Histories. Student work is presented digitally with textbook and supplemental readings in the form of documents and essays. Emphasis is placed on political history, foreign affairs, and economic and social development, including literary and cultural history.  

Students enrolled in DAAPS classes are expected to take the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Exam. Exam scores and each college/university will determine eligibility for college credit. 

In this program, students commit to a morning block of time and experience a team teaching environment.  

DAAPS Student Requirement:

  • Minimum 3.5 GPA on Current Report Card
  • Enrolled in Honors/Gifted Program
  • A teacher recommendation (English or Social Studies)

Application Process:

  • Fill out the online Student application.
  • Fill out the online Teacher Recommendation.
  • Fill out the online Grade Report & attach Grade Report PDF.

Student Benefits

Students who are enrolled in this programs have many opportunities to advance their educational goals and skills to be prepared for any college across the country.

  • Earn 30-plus college credits
  • Integrated humanity classes
  • Analytical reading skills
  • College-level writing skills
  • Open freshman AP classes
  • Students geared towards academic goals
  • Advanced Placement Instructors
  • College readiness

DAAPS Course Outline Plan

9th Grade

  • AP European History: Honors
  • English 1-4, Honors Digital Storytelling 1-2
  • Math (Option)
  • Science (Option)
  • Fine Arts
  • World Language and/or Elective (Option)

11th Grade

  • AP English Literature & Composition; AP Government & Economics, Honors Interdisciplinary (Comp. & Lit 3-4)
  • Math (Option)
  • Science (Option)
  • World Language and/or Elective (Options)

10th Grade

  • AP English Language & Composition; AP U.S. History, Honors Interdisciplinary (Comp. & Lit. 1-2)
  • Math (Option)
  • Science (Option)
  • World Language and/or Elective (Options)

12th Grade

  • 4th Year DAAPS Capstone
  • Remaining Math & Science (Options)
  • World Language and/or Elective (Options)

Kevin Storey


Charlyn Morgan-Szabo


Gabriella Brown


Ryan Mckown